$30K Pay Days:

Sign Cash-In-Full Clients Without a Sales Call

Training with Certified Business Coach Sarah Plowman

You’re a unicorn in the coaching industry.

You’re destined to be in the top 1% of female entrepreneurs.

And you’re ready to make in a day what most people make in a year.

Here’s the truth: making that kind of insane money is not technically hard.

So why don’t more people do it?

Because it requires you to think, feel & act differently than most people.

The good news is you and I are not most people.

And you have a secret weapon…

I’m about to teach you the *precise* mindset and strategy that turns what was once “insane” money into “I-make-that-before-breakfast-on-a-random-Tuesday” money.

Want your new normal To Look like this?

✨ Dream clients dropping into your DM’s and paying thousands in full the moment you send the link

✨ “Fuck yeah!” stripe payouts bigger than what you used to make in an entire year

✨ Spending your time having fun rather that constantly worrying about your business

Living the life of a kept woman – but you’re doing the keeping 

Then come learn:

🔥 The specific mindsets and strategies you need – and don’t need –  that my clients and I use to sign $30K+ cash-in-full clients without a single sales call.

🔥 How to magnetize premium clients by being rather than doing – no icky selling tactics necessary.

🔥 The 4 things that compel premium clients to buy – and buy fast.

🔥 How to talk to your audience with such clarity and confidence, they will feel like not buying is the bigger risk.

…and so much more.

The Details:

📱 Telegram Support: Two days of coaching, Q&A, and breakthroughs in our private Telegram group after the class.

This is more than a masterclass—it’s your ICONIC portal to the extraordinary lifestyle and business you know you’re meant for.

The only question left to ask is how good are you willing to let your life get?

Let’s go find out together 🚀