You’re already a million dollar coach
And yet part of you thinks that you can’t fully embrace these things until you have more: more consults; more clients; more cash; more success.
and instead see yourself as a million dollar coach NOW - so you can feel like a million bucks while making a million bucks.
I help you let go of urgent, needy and graspy energy and settle into sufficiency. You are enough now and everything is working. And when you believe your success is inevitable as long as you don’t quit, success becomes your reality.
In mentorship you will learn the keys to building your million dollar coaching business with ease and style:
What would million dollar you do?
None of that is necessary to work with me and build your business.
If the answer is yes, trust yourself. Decide to take that one next step and fill out this application. I can’t wait to co-create life-changing magic with you.