Sarah plowman striking a pose with one hand confidently placed on her hip

You’re already a million dollar coach

It’s time to start thinking of yourself as one

You’ve seen what’s possible in the coaching industry:

You know this is possible for you.

And yet part of you thinks that you can’t fully embrace these things until you have more: more consults; more clients; more cash; more success.

cream colored bicycle with basket

I help you stop waiting for “more”

and instead see yourself as a million dollar coach NOW - so you can feel like a million bucks while making a million bucks.

I help you let go of urgent, needy and graspy energy and settle into sufficiency. You are enough now and everything is working. And when you believe your success is inevitable as long as you don’t quit, success becomes your reality.

In mentorship you will learn the keys to building your million dollar coaching business with ease and style:

Sarah Plowman taking a selfie while riding her bike

What would million dollar you do?

The fastest path to become her is to show up as her NOW. Not when:

None of that is necessary to work with me and build your business. 

All you need is desire and a decision.

Do you want to work with me?

If the answer is yes, trust yourself. Decide to take that one next step and fill out this application. I can’t wait to co-create life-changing magic with you.


Real Clients

“As soon as I started working with Sarah everything slowed down. I stepped back from working in my business and started looking at my business as a CEO. I immediately started to feel empowered, and excited about what was next. I've created so much space in my schedule, raised my prices, and changed how I show up with my clients and on social media. I feel so much healthier and present in my life. That is priceless. ”
Meagan Norris in her bob haircut is smiling
Meagan Norris
Divorce Coach
“I 100% feel like I have a business now. Sarah has guided me into the belief of what is possible for me. Watching her show up for herself and have her own back while going through challenges of growing a business inspires me every day. She is bold, warm, thoughtful, authentic, powerful and activating! She is a powerful co-creator and I am forever grateful to saying yes to my desire to work with her. Life will never the same! ”
Cecilia with her pink hair is smiling
Cecilia Hermens
Life Coach
“I have learned to simplify my business, make more money while having fun, and being true to myself. I now trust myself fully and have my own back, which has led to showing up more confidently. I am more bold and courageous in the decisions I make. I have been activated by you from the beginning and have learned to love that about you because it has given me awareness into what I want for myself and clarity on what to do next.”
Elisa Fucci wearing her red lips and curled hair smiling at the camera
Elisa Fucci
Relationship Coach